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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Lockes Argument For The Origin And Practice free essay sample
Of Legitimate Authority Essay, Research Paper Locke? s Argument for the Origin and Practice of Legitimate Authority All through clasp there has been a constant fight between the contemplations of cultural control and the privileges of the individual. Indeed, even at the current clasp there are clashing assessments on how much force the specialists should hold and how much force the individual should hold over themselves. John Locke, in the same way as other before him, had an idea of how specialists and society should run. He endeavors to concoct an explanation that will indicate the limits of political force while set uping the privileges of resistance. Locke has numerous focuses that met up to offer his expression. These are primarily founded on the essential standards that characteristic balance when joined with authentic approval will take individuals and their things, out of a region of nature and into a superior, more grounded, and progressively stable society. Locke? s boss point on things is that all human natural structures are effects of that person. We will compose a custom article test on Lockes Argument For The Origin And Practice or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page He represents this position when he states, ? Through the Earth, and every single sub-par creature, be basic to all work powers, yet every grown-up male has a things in his ain individual: this no natural structure has any option to however himself? ( P. 19 ) . Plainly Locke # 8217 ; s thought of possessions envelops the feeling that the sense of self is the assets of the individual and simply that solitary person. Locke encourages his announcement by explaining how a human can hold existent material assets. So as to acquire material possessions 1 must mix whatever 1 wishes to have with the work of their natural structure. He characterizes work as something that makes regular private. He puts certain limits to existent stuff possessions by expressing that individual can simply have each piece much as they can use to any preferred position without ruin and they should go forward bounty and each piece useful for other people. Locke other than addresses the foundation of servitude. Subjugation in the intentional or non-willful sense is denied under Locke # 8217 ; s proclamation. His justification for why this demonstration is precluded are that when individual has responsibility for singular they have the ability to make with that person? s life what they please. This is an immediate crime since he has just set the premiss that every individual is simply the owner, and if individual else were to have another it would conflict with this premiss. The idea of subjugation is other than disallowed in light of the fact that it conflicts with the statute of nature that rundowns self-safeguarding just like its figure one priority. The statute of nature hence integrates with the assets premiss and prompts an extreme choice that subjugation ought to non be. Locke territories, ? Each one, as he will undoubtedly proceed with himself, and non to stop his station wilfully, so by the comparable ground, when his ain sparing comes non in rivalry, should he, each piece much as he can, to proceed with the rest of world, and may non, except if it be to make justness on a miscreant, remove, or debilitate the life, or what keeps an eye on the sparing of the life, the self-governance, wellbeing, appendage, or merchandise of another? ( p.9 ) . This in a general sense summarizes Locke? s law of nature. He feels that the principal duty of grown-up male is to proceed with himself over every single other thing, and next he ought to other than proceed, each piece much as could be expected under the circumstances, his kindred grown-up male. Locke accepts that in a territory of nature each individual has the approval to kill the law of nature, however only when the rough passing of the transgressor will make justness. Equity of this sort is characterized as punishing the offense for the bar of comparative offense, which is expressed to be the privilege all things considered, and reparation which is altogether the privilege of the harmed. Generally Locke backs up the rough demise of outlets if essential for justness. The hel p roots from the idea of ensured security the basic truth they will non be alive to hurt again. His sentiments on this issue are outlined plainly when he says, ? each grown-up male, in the territory of nature, has a capacity to slaughter a vendor, both to dishearten others from making the comparable hurt, which no reparation can balance, by the representation of punishment that goes to it from each natural structure, what's more to get work powers from the endeavors of a condemnable? ( P. 11 ) . Locke doesn? T accept the territory of nature is similar to whole decimation of humankind or a snake pit, yet he sees numerous occupations with it. The main ground individuals pick to go from the area of nature and into a general public is for better insurance of their possessions. He expresses that the two boss occupations with a things security are that there are no normal governments and human affection gets in the way when discourse creation of just punishment. In a progressively detailed history he expresses the immediate occupations with the territory of nature are that there are no standings Torahs, indifferent Judgess, or trustworthy official forces. Every one of these occupations envelop one boss issue. This issue is that assets, physical and material, should be ensured in a progressively unafraid way. The way to get this higher security is to go out of the territory of nature and into a general public. Locke first moves out of the region of nature and into society through the introduction of assent. Assent is the vital status that makes respect real. To elucidate what he implies by assent he first clarifies how universes can give assent and why they can give assent. He expresses that the idea of assent of everything is the start of society. He states, ? For when any figure of work powers have, by the assent of each individual, made a network, they have in this way made network one natural structure, with a capacity to move as one natural structure, which is just by the will and finding of the mass? ( P. 52 ) . This obviously shows how significant agree is to the position of society, and non only assent, yet the assent of every single part in that society. Their joint assent so makes for a mass kind of guideline. He accepts to be part of a general public and to be committed to follow the guidelines of that society a man should initially agree to being a segment of that society. Ther e are two unique signifiers of assent. The initial 1 is express assent while the second is quiet assent. Express assent is communicated assent while unsaid is a soundless assent. Locke accepts that communicated assent is clear and non hard to comprehend, while inferred is all the more difficult to set up. Locke does by and by accept that on the off chance that one, ? that hath any proprietorships, or pleasure, of any part of the guidelines of any specialists, doth in this manner give his quiet assent, and is each piece far away obliged to compliance to the Torahs to that specialists? ( P. 53 ) . This in a general sense implies in the event that you live in a general public where a specialists is built up and you have possessions or are relaxing the general public you are staying in this is satisfactory for quiet assent. When an individual has agreed, either with unequivocal or implied, they are a bit of society. Society is made to proceed with the lives, self-sufficiency and homes, which a ll make up effects. At the point when come ining into society individuals enable up to make what they need for sparing and the ability to punish others that they had in the region of nature. Since individuals did by and by hold the privilege to assets in the region of nature, and would neer acknowledge to be more awful off than they were prior, society should ever secure effects. Alongside the security of assets to do specialists genuine there are sure conditions to be met. There must be exposure of the benefit of everyone, unafraid possessions, constitution of a standing statute, unconcerned Judgess, and an unprejudiced executing of the law. The resolution law has limits each piece great as obligations. The limits are that there can? t be a flat out discretionary guideline, effects can? t be taken without assent, and there will be no unapproved transportation of intensity. There can neer be a flat out government and guideline will hence so be restricted. Locke accepts that government is a sort of servitude and damages the statute of nature that so makes it entirely ill-conceived. Locke accepts that specialists? s boss plan is to ensure things with impassive Torahs, while other than arraigning the general basic great of the general public. He makes this position understood with his hole words for part 11 that territory, ? The incredible terminal of work powers? s come ining into society, being the happiness regarding their belongingss in harmony and wellbeing, and the incredible instrument and organizations of that being the Torahs built up in the public arena? ( P. 69 ) . Sing that assent is the start of genuine respect, when the specialists is making things that the individuals would non hold agreed to, the individuals will be no longer obliged to comply. At the point when he states, ? The ground for society is the sparing of assets. At whatever point people with significant influence undertaking to remove and destruct the possessions of the individuals, they put themselves in a territory of war with the individuals. They relinquish approval, which degenerat es to the individuals, who reserve the privilege to restart their unique self-sufficiency and set up another administrative? ( P. 211 ) , Locke states unmistakably definitely when the individuals reserve an option to emerge. He all the more explicitly records certain maltreatment of intensity that will empower people to emerge over yonder specialists. They remember the setting of subjective will for topographic purpose of the Torahs, hindering administrative from piecing, changing force development or leg
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Chemotherapy free essay sample
An investigation of chemotherapy its reactions and its utilization as a treatment for malignant growth. This paper talks about the different types of chemotherapy. The paper depicts the various conceivable reactions of chemotherapy, sketching out present moment and long haul symptoms. Malignant growth is a malady of the bodys cells. Cells in all the tissues and organs of the body continually develop and partition to trade old and harmed cells and keep up the soundness of the body. Regularly, all cells separate and imitate themselves in a deliberate and controlled way. In disease, in any case, a few cells continue separating without legitimate control, framing a bump (which is known as a tumor). In leukemia, too many white platelets are shaped. Chemotherapy is the utilization of hostile to malignant growth (cytotoxic) medications to crush disease cells (counting leukemias and lymphomas). There are more than 50 distinctive chemotherapy medications and some are given all alone, however frequently various medications might be joined (this is known as blend chemotherapy). We will compose a custom exposition test on Chemotherapy or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The kind of treatment one are given for ones malignant growth relies upon numerous things, especially the sort of ailment one have, where in the body it began, what the disease cells resemble under the magnifying instrument and how far they have spread, if by any means.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Drug Users and Their Experiences With Flashbacks
Drug Users and Their Experiences With Flashbacks Addiction Drug Use Hallucinogens Print Drug Users Experiences With Flashbacks By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 28, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on September 27, 2019 Claudia Burlotti/Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Hallucinogens Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery If you have been using drugs or spending time with drug users or people who know them, you may have heard them talking about flashbacks, and wondered what is a flashback. Flashbacks are quite a common experience among drug users, although not everyone who experiences them finds them troubling. Those that do may have Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder. What Is a Flashback? A flashback is a sensation of re-experiencing the effects of a drug after the true effects of the drug have worn off. Most often, flashbacks are used to describe the re-experiencing of the effects of a hallucinogenic drug, such as LSD or magic mushrooms. Flashbacks typically happen in the days or weeks following ingestion of the drug but can happen months or even years after the drug use has been discontinued. Sometimes, flashbacks can be intense and unpleasant and can happen frequently, even if the person experiencing them is abstaining from drug use. Flashbacks that continue to happen in this way are a medically recognized phenomenon, which is documented in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5) as Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks). Causes The experience of flashbacks is not caused by current intoxication of a hallucinogen, nor is it caused by another mental disorder, such as schizophrenia, nor by another medical condition, such as brain damage â€" although all of these conditions may produce similar effects to hallucinogenic drugs, such as hallucinations and delusions. Flashbacks can come on unpredictably or in response to a trigger, such as tiredness, anxiety or stress. Most often, this is when they are problematic for the individual experiencing them â€" as the individual is feeling vulnerable due to the trigger, the out-of-control feeling of being on a drug that has not been consumed can be very confusing and upsetting. However, the experience of a flashback can also be self-induced, by the individual thinking about the experience of tripping on a hallucinogenic drug, and this is not generally a problem. Contrary to a popular myth about LSD, flashbacks are not the result of LSD being stored in the body and re-released. What Are Flashbacks Like? Flashbacks usually take the form of mild visual hallucinations, such as seeing geometric formations, intensified colors, and halos or trailing after-effects of images. Occasionally, people or situations may seem bizarre or ridiculous, or the person experiencing the flashback may feel disassociated. When this happens in a social situation requiring self-control, it can be embarrassing or scary for the individual experiencing it. However, flashbacks are not usually as intense or long-lasting as an actual drug experience, usually lasting just seconds or minutes, and are easier to control mentally than intoxication or a bad trip. How to Cope Having a flashback can be quite distressing, and calming or self-soothing activities can help ease the psychological discomfort that can result. Flashbacks usually subside on their own after the drug use has been discontinued, over the course of a few months. In a flashback, the person is generally aware that they are experiencing a drug-induced effect. If the person has no insight into the drug-induced nature of their symptoms, or if these experiences persist or cause significant distress, they should seek a psychiatric assessment to determine if there is another mental health issue involved, such as psychosis. Although there is no recognized medical treatment for flashbacks, a psychologist can also help to treat the anxiety that can accompany flashbacks, giving more of a sense of self-control.
Drug Users and Their Experiences With Flashbacks
Drug Users and Their Experiences With Flashbacks Addiction Drug Use Hallucinogens Print Drug Users Experiences With Flashbacks By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 28, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on September 27, 2019 Claudia Burlotti/Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Hallucinogens Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery If you have been using drugs or spending time with drug users or people who know them, you may have heard them talking about flashbacks, and wondered what is a flashback. Flashbacks are quite a common experience among drug users, although not everyone who experiences them finds them troubling. Those that do may have Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder. What Is a Flashback? A flashback is a sensation of re-experiencing the effects of a drug after the true effects of the drug have worn off. Most often, flashbacks are used to describe the re-experiencing of the effects of a hallucinogenic drug, such as LSD or magic mushrooms. Flashbacks typically happen in the days or weeks following ingestion of the drug but can happen months or even years after the drug use has been discontinued. Sometimes, flashbacks can be intense and unpleasant and can happen frequently, even if the person experiencing them is abstaining from drug use. Flashbacks that continue to happen in this way are a medically recognized phenomenon, which is documented in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5) as Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks). Causes The experience of flashbacks is not caused by current intoxication of a hallucinogen, nor is it caused by another mental disorder, such as schizophrenia, nor by another medical condition, such as brain damage â€" although all of these conditions may produce similar effects to hallucinogenic drugs, such as hallucinations and delusions. Flashbacks can come on unpredictably or in response to a trigger, such as tiredness, anxiety or stress. Most often, this is when they are problematic for the individual experiencing them â€" as the individual is feeling vulnerable due to the trigger, the out-of-control feeling of being on a drug that has not been consumed can be very confusing and upsetting. However, the experience of a flashback can also be self-induced, by the individual thinking about the experience of tripping on a hallucinogenic drug, and this is not generally a problem. Contrary to a popular myth about LSD, flashbacks are not the result of LSD being stored in the body and re-released. What Are Flashbacks Like? Flashbacks usually take the form of mild visual hallucinations, such as seeing geometric formations, intensified colors, and halos or trailing after-effects of images. Occasionally, people or situations may seem bizarre or ridiculous, or the person experiencing the flashback may feel disassociated. When this happens in a social situation requiring self-control, it can be embarrassing or scary for the individual experiencing it. However, flashbacks are not usually as intense or long-lasting as an actual drug experience, usually lasting just seconds or minutes, and are easier to control mentally than intoxication or a bad trip. How to Cope Having a flashback can be quite distressing, and calming or self-soothing activities can help ease the psychological discomfort that can result. Flashbacks usually subside on their own after the drug use has been discontinued, over the course of a few months. In a flashback, the person is generally aware that they are experiencing a drug-induced effect. If the person has no insight into the drug-induced nature of their symptoms, or if these experiences persist or cause significant distress, they should seek a psychiatric assessment to determine if there is another mental health issue involved, such as psychosis. Although there is no recognized medical treatment for flashbacks, a psychologist can also help to treat the anxiety that can accompany flashbacks, giving more of a sense of self-control.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Oprah Winfrey The United States Of America - 819 Words
Molita D. Sarwan Professor M. Stevenson AMH 2020 22 September, 2014 How Oprah Winfrey Changed the United States of America Born January 29 in the quaint town of Kosciusko, Mississippi. Oprah Winfrey had risen from nothing became the first African American woman billionaire and achieving the â€Å"American dream†. According to, her official website, she had accomplished being a television pioneer, a producer/actress, a magazine founder and editorial director, online leader, philanthropist, television programming creator, broadway producer and she has been awarded many honorary achievements. As a child may individuals in her town knew that she was a gifted individual; †¦ knew how to read, and write before the age of three. Oprah†¦show more content†¦She not only accepted, she celebrated the differences among Americans, no matter their age, sexual orientation, color and disabilities. Currently there is no historical monuments of Winfrey, nor movies portraying her as all she has done. One good way to see all that she has done is through her television show. However she has also, placed her mark on the Hollywood scene in many movies, such as, the Steven Spielberg’s 1985 movie the color purple. Her television show has had many â€Å"shout outs†on numerous shows such as, Grey’s Anatomy, a character stated that, while convincing a gunman not to show, to tell her his life story. When asked where did she learn the technique she stated that, â€Å"I saw on Oprah or somewhere that if you tell them personal details about yourself, they’re less likely to kill you†( Winfrey has influenced so many individuals that it would be abnormal not to remember her. She has done many astonishing things, such as, the Oprah Winfrey Foundation that helps see to the aid of women, children and families. She created the Angel Network that raises money for charities. On her show she has brought many known figures, such as, Barak Obama. She has encouraged many of her viewers to make a difference in the world of many other individuals. Many Americans believe that Winfrey is a good individual for all that she has over came from the time she has stepped foot on to this earth. She has dealt with many criticism
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Older Adults - 3240 Words
A) According to the American Psychology Association, older adults are defined as â€Å"persons 65 years of age or older (APA, Practitioners, 2002) The older adult population is separated by two subpopulations called â€Å"young old†, â€Å"older old†, and â€Å"oldest old.†(APA, Practitioners, 2002) â€Å"Young old†describe those between the ages of 65-74, â€Å"older old†describes those between the ages of 75 and 84, and oldest old refers to those 85 and older. (APA, Practitioners, 2002) Other important subpopulations include the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) older adults and racially diverse subpopulations. (Aging and Health Report) The ageing LGBT subpopulation is an overlooked part of the older adult population that is rarely addressed (Aging†¦show more content†¦(USGov, 2012) In the years to follow after the ADEA was implemented, several other laws were passed that were in relation to or based upon the ADEA of 1967. (U SGov, 2012) The ADEA was amended in 1986 to include the following changes: the age limit of seventy was removed, making the act applicable to anyone of the age of forty. (EEOC, 2009) It also required employers to continue health coverage of employees over 70 and their families. (EEOC, 2009) Finally, the amended act made it unlawful for employers to require an employee of any age to retire. (EEOC, 2009) Another very important amendment to the ADEA was the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act of 1990, which stated’ â€Å"The term `compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment encompasses all employee benefits, including such benefits provided pursuant to a bona fide employee benefit plan.†(EEOC, 1990?) This made it so that employees are required to allocate the same amount of funds that go towards benefits of younger worker to the benefits for older adults. (EEOC, 1990?) The next act introduced was the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 which prohibited dis crimination on the basis of age in programs orShow MoreRelatedLife Cycle For Older Adults : An Older Person s Sense Of Self Esteem And Confidence2111 Words  | 9 Pagesan older person’s sense of self-esteem and confidence that was once stronger in the eight stage is now at a weaken state and breeds a sense that hope and trust are diminishing fast (page 110 life cycle extended). In basic terms, in the ninth stage, elders have very limited mobility, are most likely entirely dependent on other as they can no longer depend on their mind or bodies for the stability they once had earlier in older adulthood. According Erikson (1997), the ability of elders to engageRead MoreDepression And The Older Adult1266 Words  | 6 PagesI chose to write my paper over depression and the older adult. The reason I chose to write about this topic is because I think more attention should be brought to this mood disorder. Depression is more serious than some believe, and I would like to spread awareness about how this disorder affects the older adult. Another aspect that makes me want to research this topic is because I have experienced depression at one point in my life and I remember how hopeless I felt. I would like to learn aboutRead MoreCaregiving For Older Adults1632 Words  | 7 Pagesas, â€Å"an individual, age 18 or older who provides unpaid care to family member or friend who need assistance with everyday activities†while a formal caregiver is a paid care provider ( Hunt, 2015;, 2016). This paper will report over caregiving for older adults, alternative placement op tions, personal statements from a caregiver and resources on caregiving for older adults. My report will focus on family caregivers and those providing care for older adults. How are these caregivers andRead MoreThe Abuse Of Older Adults1439 Words  | 6 Pagessocial issue that is important to acknowledge is the abuse of older people. 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With the graying of baby boomers, the number of older adults in the United States is escalating rapidly as well. The population aged 65 and over is projected to be 83.7 million by 2050, almost double than its estimated population of 43.1 million in 2012 (Ortman Velkof, 2014). DueRead MoreCaring For Older Adults Essay1874 Words  | 8 Pages Caring for Older adults Corinda Goff HSC/548 March 19, 2016 Instructor - Cynthia Hovland-Scafe Sources of Income Social Security Fund- The US government, offers a statutory requirement that calls for its nationals to remit a certain percentage of their income. Eighty six percent of people age 65 or above receive these funds on a monthly basis. Some people, however, delay this payment to a later date (past 65) to claim a larger share as a monthly check and balance. About ninety-twoRead More Technology and Older Adults Essay1746 Words  | 7 PagesTechnology and Older Adults It is commonly believed that older people are uncomfortable with new forms of technology and that they are more resistant to using technology than are younger people. This belief often places older people at a disadvantage, because designers fail to consider older people as a potential user group when designing technology, both software and hardware (Parsons, Terner, Kersley, 1994). Another misconception is that the elderly are unable to learn new skills. Older peopleRead MoreOlder Adults And Health Promotion1059 Words  | 5 PagesOlder Adults and Health Promotion Americans are living longer lives and enjoying the benefits of a new age by keeping themselves fit with increased physical activity and an optimistic approach to life. This paper will detail how older adults use the benefits of physical activity to live a longer healthier life. The paper will discuss health literacy considerations for older adults and describe any special issues relevant to their patient population. Finally, the paper will describe and provide
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Should Gambling Be Legalized - 4078 Words
Should Gambling Be Legalized? Over the past twenty or so years, great wealth and improved economic and social conditions have been promised to the communities that have embraced legalized gambling. However, with twenty years of experience it is time to look back and analyze whether this is true or not. It could easily be said that gambling is as American as apple pie. Gambling has shaped American history since its beginning. Lotteries were used by The First Continental Congress to help finance the Revolutionary war. Many of our founding fathers, such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington, have sponsored private lotteries. It has been said that Our founding fathers were just numbers guys in wigs At†¦show more content†¦The higher ones income , the more one will tend to see gambling as entertainment or as a way to socialize with other people. Conversely, the lower ones income, the more gambling tends to be seen as an investment5 With the poor who cannot afford such investments as the stock market or real estate, gambling is meant to be less as play and more as a sincere chance to transform their lives for the better. While the poor do not spend much more than gambling than middle income families, they do spend a much higher percentage of their income. Another disturbing situation in the gambling community is the changing percentage of women and young people who are becoming problem gamblers. At this time gambling is called the fastest-growing teenage addiction, with the rate of pathological gambling among high-school and college-age y outh about twice that of adults. In Atlantic City, the lure of gambling is so strong that over thirty thousand underage people are either thrown out, or stopped from entering the casino.6 Lobbyists for the gambling industry have made exorbitant claims about the benefits that states will receive from the legalization of gambling. Among the many claims made by lobbyists are the increase in jobs, millions in revenue from gambling taxes, and an overall better economy. On the surface these statements seem beneficial. ButShow MoreRelatedGambling Should be Legalized.1571 Words  | 7 PagesGambling should be legalized What is gambling? According to gambling is taking a risk in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit. Gambling has been around for centuries and has been dated way back to 1492. People have been gambling in America ever since America was found. There are numerous underground cards clubs and casinos all over the country and in major cities. People gamble on everything: sports evens, dice, and cards. Even though people gamble every day in the UnitedRead MoreShould Gambling Be Legalized?971 Words  | 4 PagesToday, gambling is not allowed in some countries, but it is legal only in some areas in the United States. Some people are in favor of gambling because they find their entertainment in playing in casinos. Gambling is to take risks and play the games for money. Most people believe that gambling should not be legal because gambling activities do not benefit our communities and eventually causes: increased taxes, a loss of jobs and money. However, my opp onents believe that gambling and casinos areRead MoreShould Gambling Be Legalized?1401 Words  | 6 Pages Gambling is an activity as old as civilization with as many varied forms and practices. From betting on cock fights to Presidential elections, gambling finds itself in a consistent battle with various cultures. No other gambling activity is as popular or as controversial as lotteries. In the United States, gambling had long been illegal. That is largely due to the Christian origins of most state legislation. Of which, the traditional view saw gambling as evil. Over time, more progressive individualsRead MoreShould Gambling Be Legalized? Essay958 Words  | 4 PagesGambling has become a major industry in the United States. In 2014 American casinos earned almost $38 billion, an increase of more than $5 billion over ten years (Scwhartz, 2015). Part of the increase comes from more states allowing commercial gambling. Since 2005 Florida, Kansas, Maryland, Ohio and Pennsylvania have all legalized casinos. However, gambling has negative side effects. In 2012 5.77 million problem gamblers existed in the country costing states $60.6 million (Marotta, Bahan, RynoldsRead MoreGambling in The Bahamas: Should it Be Legalized? 1821 Words  | 7 PagesBahamians about their views on gambling. The referendum asked Bahamians if they supported the regularization and taxation of web shop gaming. As noted in the results, the mass of the Bahamian people voted no against the referendum. Today, the gambling issue has reawakened and Bahamians are now in a fight against the laws of their country. Several Bahamians believe that the law discriminates against Bahamians because it prohibits Bahamians from owning and legally gambling in casinos within in their homelandRead MoreShould Sports Be Legalized?978 Words  | 4 PagesSome jobs would also be created if online gambling was legalized. Many of the existing online gambling sites would move their operations to the United States, while other sites wou ld be newly created in here. The jobs created would range from computer programmers to customer service jobs (Rousu). Our economy is always looking for new jobs to decrease the unemployment rate. This is a great way to lower unemployment and increase the economy at the same time. In Canada, the provinces experience additionalRead MoreLegalized Gambling Essay919 Words  | 4 PagesLegalized Gambling Have you ever wagered on a game? If so you were gambling and should have been fined. Gambling should be legalized in the state of Florida. The lawmakers, who have decided that it is evil for you and me to gamble, have justified it as a means to scam billions from citizens in order to compensate for their mismanagement of tax money. First they waste what they collect in taxes and then recover the wasted billions with gambling scams to get more, much more. AddingRead More Gambling Addiction Essay1116 Words  | 5 PagesGambling Addiction      Gambling addiction is an issue found in numerous areas where gambling is legal. People who are addicted to gambling, also know as problem gamblers, face many health risks including depression, suicidal thoughts, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, migraine and anxiety in addition to marriage breakdown, problems at work and bankruptcy (9). About 2 percent of adults are thought to be problem gamblers (1). In today’s society this costly addiction is not often considered toRead Morelegalizing gambling983 Words  | 4 Pages Legalizing Casino Gambling in Texas Persuasive Speech Outline Legalizing Casino Gambling in Texas Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade my class about why legalizing casino gambling in Texas is for the better. Thesis Statement: Legalizing casino gambling in the state of Texas would enhance society and will be beneficial for the entire state. Organizational Pattern: Problem-Solution Introduction I. Did you know that gambling generates more revenue thanRead MoreGambling Outline Essay912 Words  | 4 PagesNick Cortese Research Outline Gambling Thesis: Gambling in society has detrimental effects to people in United States. Topic: I. There are certain types of gambling that people should be aware of. A. Gambling is any bet you make that involves chance, a stake, and there is a pay-off. â€Å"Here is the definition of gamble – to play at any game of chance for stakes, to bet on an uncertain outcome†(Brown). â€Å"The following three elements must be present for something
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